Author: Dr. Ashwin Porwal

Do Not Ignore Anorectal Bleeding

Anal fissures & Piles are not exactly a topic for cocktail party conversation, and the…

Rectal Prolapse treatment now a day care procedure

Healing Hands Clinic (HHC) understands your healthcare needs and we also try to put our…

All You Need to Know about Pilonidal Sinus

“Pilonidal Sinus“ is an Italian term, which means a nest of hair, highlighting the main…

Treatment for Varicose veins

Varicose veins are gnarled, enlarged veins. Any vein may become varicose, but the veins most…

Painless Piles Treatment

People are hesitant to openly discuss some topics in descent conversations; Piles is one such…

Water an effective ingredient in Constipation treatment

Constipation is generally described as having fewer than three bowel movements a week. If treatment…

Innovative Treatment for Fistula

Many a times unless we suffer from a certain diseases we never get an idea…

Mulvyadh Doctor in Pune

‘Piles’ otherwise popularly known as ‘Mulvyadh’ are the swollen blood vessels in and around the…

A Novel Combination of Fistulectomy & Leonardo Laser Therapy to Cure Complex Recto-inguinal Fistula

This is a story of a long (4-5 years) suffering from fistula, of a 31…

Re-Current Pilonidal Sinus through Leo-Nardo Laser

This is a story of a 23year old female patient suffering from Pilonidal sinus. The…