Most Advanced laser treatment for fissure available in healing hands clinic

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Healing Hands Clinic - Asia’s Preferred Destination for fissure Treatment in Dubai

2 Lac + Happy Patients

Best fissure Hospital in Dubai As Per Google (4.9) ★★★★★

'Centre of Excellence in Proctology' by Dr Antonio Longoo

International recognized doctors. Lady doctors Avialable

Experienced and skilled surgeons

Topmost Referral Centre for fissure

Male and Female Doctors Available

What is anal fissure?

Anal fissures are often located in the back of your anus, parallel to the buttock cleft. A frequent medical issue known as an anal fissure occurs when the skin around the anus opening opens, leaving a little space there. You must keep in mind that while the pain brought on by this illness typically appears quickly, it can also develop gradually.

A fissure is a tiny break in the skin that can be brought on by smoking, chronic inflammation, or poor digestion. An acquired fissure is another name for a fissure. Everybody experiences it at some point in their lives, but it might not endure for six weeks



Identifying A Fissure

It only takes a brief history of your symptoms and a visual examination of the anus to make the diagnosis. Rarely, your doctor could suggest additional testing to rule out any potential underlying causes for the fissure.


The popularity of Botox is because it offers a non-surgical option to treat chronic anal fissures. If you've been looking for an alternative, non-surgical treatment for your chronic fissure and have tried everything under the sun, it's time to check out botox.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1. How is a fissure repaired?

Anal fissures frequently disappear within a few weeks with the right at-home care. Increase your intake of fibre and drinks, for instance, to keep your stools soft. Several times per day, especially after bowel motions, soak in warm water for 10 to 20 minutes. This may facilitate recovery by easing the sphincter.

2. Are anal fissures reversible?

Anal fissures typically disappear on their own after a few weeks. However, if the source of them is untreated constipation, they may readily return. Anal fissure symptoms can last for six weeks or more in some persons (chronic anal fissures).

3. What is the root of the fissure?

Anus and anal canal injuries can result in anal fissures. One or more of the following factors may contribute to the trauma: Constipation that lasts a long time. struggling to go to the bathroom, especially if the stool is huge, difficult, or dry.

4. What are piles vs fissures?

Fissures are essentially little cracks, while fistulas are openings to cavities. Piles are primarily enlarged blood vessels. Most of the time, piles are painless and invisible. Fissures are quite painful. When there is a fistula, pus leaks from the anal region.

5. What procedure is ideal for a fissure?

Laser Sphincterotomy is the finest procedure for fissure. The Leonardo Laser performed a laser therapy to treat the anal fissure.

Spread across Dubai City

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Healing Hands Clinic,
Ground Floor, Medstar,
Gulf Towers - Oud Metha Rd
Dubai - United Arab Emirates

Tel :+91 8888188885
