आदरणीय डॉ. पोरवाल जी ,
आपके गहरे अनुभवों और यशस्वी व्यक्तित्व ने मुझे उस असहनीय पीड़ा के रोग से मुक्ति दिलाकर मुझे उपकृत किया है , मैं ही नहीं कितने ही मरीज़ों को आपने अपने चिकित्सा - कौशल से रोग -मुक्त किया है वह अद्वितीय ही नहीं बल्कि दिव्य है.
आपके हॉस्पिटल में अपूर्व सुविधा और तत्परता का आत्मीय वातावरण से जो सुकून मिला वह शब्दों में अभिव्यक्त नहीं कर सकता बस मेरे मन में, मेरे चित्त में वह सुखद अहसास की तरह हमेशा व्याप्त रहेगा.
आपकी सहजता, विनम्रता, वाणी की मधुरता से जो भी आपके संपर्क में आयेगा वह आपका ऋणी हो जायेगा. मैं आपकी सद्भावना और अंतरंग अपनत्व को सर्वदा अपनी आत्मा में संजोये रखूँगा .
ईश्वर से प्रार्थना है आपको अपने जीवन में समृद्धि, उपलब्धि, सम्मान मिलता रहे. आप व आपका परिवार ख़ुशहाली से परिपूर्ण रहे.
आपके सदगुणों के साथ आपका अपना-
संपन्न माहेश्वरी ( रघु ), पुणे.
Dr. When i came from ur clinic i feel peace & thoughtlessness whole day & started medicine in d evening. Healing Hands means ur treamtent is spiritual n medical both, m i right? i think so.& after ur completing ur medicine course i will come to u.
Complex Transphentric Fistula
Surgery date : 22 FEB 2019
AGE : 51
Dear Dr Porwal,
Following is my heartfelt, genuine and sincere feedback on the wonderful treatment that I got from you.
I was suffering from a complex fistula for a long time. There were four unsuccessful surgeries performed by various doctors in past with a history of recurrence of the problem before I visited Healing Hand Clinic. Dr. Porwal assured that with his DLPL / laser technique, the problem would be cured completely with negligible chances of recurrence. Time and again he compassionately reassured me that I was in safe hands. Rightly said by him, I’m feeling completely satisfied and more than happy that I’m fully cured now.
I have very high regards for Dr Ashwin Porwal for his extra ordinary medical and professional skills. He is exceptionally talented and skilled surgeon in the field of proctology. Moreover, he also has maintained world class systems at the clinic to handle large number of patients every day. I experienced very high standards set in every aspect - from reception, registration, admission, surgery, to post operative treatment. Every team member is a thorough professional, and deals with the patient with a sense of empathy.
The sincerity with which Dr. Porwal uses his knowledge, skill, technique and experience is unparallelled in clinical experience that patients get in India.
I wish that there are many more Dr. Ashwin Porwals available to help ailing patients in Indian society. I wish him all the best in continuing the noble work. May god bless Dr. Ashwin Porwal, and the Healing Hands Clinic.
With sincere regards,
~ Swapna Kulkarni
Hello Sir,
In 2018, I started experiencing irritation in the gluteal cleft area which was frequently misdiagnosed by top doctors in Chicago as a sweat rash. When the condition got progressively worse, I went to a proctologist who correctly stated that it was indeed a fistula. I sought a second opinion which confirmed my fears. However I was amazed to discover that in the USA, all top doctors were practicing only one procedure for this condition – Fistulotomy. They had heard about the use of laser in correcting this condition but none had any experience with it. When I researched peer reviewed scientific papers on the latest procedures that would preserve the sphincter muscle, Fistula-tract Laser Closure (FiLaC™) and Dr. Porwal’s own DLPL technique came up. In addition, there were some videos of DLPL technique being performed by Dr. Ash on YouTube. While I found doctors performing FiLaC in Brazil and Germany, Dr.Porwal’s own DLPL procedure sounded more cutting edge and promising but I was apprehensive about visiting India and the logistical issues associated with travelling to the other side of the world. However after lengthy conversation with him and his staff, all my fears were squashed and I booked a surgery date with him. When I arrived, I was simply amazed. I can’t begin to describe the level professionalism with which Dr. Porwal and his staff conduct themselves. The Clinic is just as awesome as any other high level medical facility in Chicago but that is not what impressed me as much. It was Dr. Porwal’s bedside manners, skill, and professionalism that blew me away. The evaluation and the cutting edge DLPL procedure were all done in one day and the results were highly successful. The post-operative care that I received from Dr. Porwal personally, during the whole month that I stayed in India (my choice) was astonishing. He is a genius and a perfectionist. It wasn’t just the Fistula that he eradicated. He also fixed any other problems in the area to make sure no future complications arose. He contacted me every day and if I wanted to see him, the appointment was arranged immediately. Long story short, I’m cured for life. As Americans, we often have preconceived notions about other countries and their health care standards. Fact is that US health system is broken and archaic when compared to countries like Germany, Brazil and India. One only finds that out when he steps out of his comfort zone. I did, and now I know better.
A. S. Dunbar
Chicago, IL
Hello Sir,
I found Dr Ashwin Porwal miraculously over Internet. I was suffering from recurrent abscess from July 2016. which turned into complex fistula due to miss-diagnosis of simple pen-rectal abscess by several doctors including 3 specialist in Australia. It remained undiagnosed until September 2016. From the diagnosis. i underwent 12 abscess draining surgenes under general anaesthesia including 2 seton placement surgenes by speicialist with massive failure. I havert, words to express what i went through during this tenure of life. it was just a living hell. By God's utmost blessings, i found Dr Ashwin Poiwal ( Healing Hands Clinic ) in December 2017. I went to India Pune for treatment under Dr Ashwin Porvval, he performed a special advance surgery in January 2013. which is not available in Australia and with his outstanding treatment, now March 2019 i am completely cured by the Grace of Almighty God 13105 born 2nd time in my life. and the second one was by the Hands of Dr Ashwin Porwal... GOD GAVE HIM THE WISDOM TO GIVE BACK PEOPLE LIFE Dr Ashwin, his family and his entire team of lovely people are always there in my prayers when i bow down to Almighty God. God bless. I live in Sydney. Australia.
Dr Ishtiak Alam
Hello Sir,
Good Afternoon.
Hope you are well.I am really thankful for your treatment .Now i am free of disease.
May Allah bless you and best wishes for HEALING HANDS CLINIC.
Mohammad Rahim Ul Islam
Respected Dr.Ashwin,
If you remember on saturday 28/01/2017 you have done my surgery at seawoods clinic.
Im perfect now, everything is going well. The experience with you and your entire team was really very awesome, really I've enjoyed
it. 1 can't believe I've gone under a surgery .
thanks again
your patient
Sumeet Mahajan
Respected Dr.Ashwin,
Wish you happy new year .congratulation for you free consultation campaign.
your article in bombay times dated 3.1.15 on anorectal bleeding was really develop awareness about Haemorrhoid in village people.
when I will be in pune .I will visit your clinic. .
Thanks Again, Your Patient
Mamta Nitin Mane
Nagothane -Raigad
Respected Sir,Thank You Very Much Dr.Ashwin Porwal.......I am VERY SATISFY FROM YOUR TREATMENT and Now I filling WELL.. .
Purushottam Patil
Respected Sir,
I am very much obliged to you and your experties in doing Stapler 3D Mesh Surgery on my right scrotal hernia. It was done in the past at Jehangeer Hospital in March 2013. I am very much satisfied with your team for their time to time advices and post operation treatments. Request to pass my obligation words to them also. Thank you very much and wish you all the best for your great achievements ahead, .
Santosh Dixit
Respected Sir,
My wife was suffering from piles since 18 yrs,she never ever expressed her pain an suffering to any of her close relation even me being a husband.After knowing her problem I immediately searched in net an came to know about you an your achievement in this field.Afer consulting with you I agreed for your opinion to undergo surgery an today I am a very happy man to see the way you performed the surgery .Even my wife is amazed to go through this process though being scared of even a small test.Sir I would like to pay my deep respect to you an all your team for being so kind an helpful to us at this critical stage.Thank you sir once again .god bless an let the clinic be an example to the world. .
Mr. Sunil Chhetri
Hi doctor,
This is Vijayakumar. I am taking treatment from Healing Hands for last 3 months. I am suffering in hyper acidity, bloating, loose/ liquid state, incomplete bowl evacuation and I had to pass stool 3-4 times in a day. Last week I consulted Dr.Rajpal and she changed the medicine and diet. I am feeling better now. Acidity has come down and stool has started become semi solid. Now, I am passing stools 2-3 time in a day. There is no bowl irritation now. In nut & shell, there is 30% improvement I am feeling within a week. I hope this would get better further.
Hello Sir,
I was suffering from IBS since last 37 years.My chief complaints were spasms - cramps in abdomen, gases, flatulence, rumbling and grumbling noisein stomach, unsatisfied bowel evacuation, hyper peristalsis associated with hyper motility. I consulted top most gastro entreologists in Pune and Mumbai in last 37 years. I had gone through barium mealtest, sonography, upper and lower endoscopy etc. But I was not comfortable with the treatments suggested by the doctors. I tried homeopathy without any success. In the last week of February, 2014 after referring an advertisement of Healing Hands Clinic in TOI, Pune – I consulted Dr. Ashwin Porwal & Dr. Nimarjit Kaur. After a few blood tests, they prescribed me to take 1 tablet of Rekool L for 30 days,2 tablets of Torfix for 15 days and 2 tea spoons of Constac powder in warm water at night for 30 days. I swear there has been more than 50% relief in my chief complaints. I am very much relieved from the atrocities and harassment caused to me on account of IBS. I am confident that I will be fine in next 2/3 months. I AM IN THE SAFE AND HEALING HANDS OF DR. ASHWIN PORWAL & HIS TEAM OF PROFESSIONAL DOCTORS. Hats Off To Them.
Prakash S. Mehta
Hi Dr Ashwin,
Hope you are fine.I am also fine.I just wanted to say thanks to you for curing me and reliving me from constipation which had become a headache for me. I give you full marks for treating me. I give you 10/10 for your exceptional surgery skills,your follow ups,hospitality treatment etc.
I was facing the problem of constipation since March 2013 and I used to ignore the same and I had also consulted 2 good doctors in Pune,one was General surgeon and the other was an ayurvedic doctor but none of them helped me to relieve the problem of constipation.Then finally I was told by Dr TusharWaghule to meet Dr. Ashwin,the best doctor in Pune for piles, constipation etc.I was told to do colonoscopy and MRI defecography and then to get operated. After successful operation and regular follow up’s I am completely alright now and take only 10 minutes to have a regular stools.Dr Ashwin is more like a friend than a doctor and half of the disease just vanishes just after meeting Dr Ashwin that’swhat I feel…
I am really impressed by the entire Healing hand’s clinic staff for their determined,dedicated and devoted approach and attitude towards patient. All the best for the entire HHC team for their future endeavors..
Best regards,
Mandar Padwal