MRI Defecography ( MRD ) is a non-invasive test that helps in evaluating how well the pelvic muscles are working during the act of defecation.It uses radio waves in the presence of a powerful magnetic field to obtain detailed images of the organs at various stages of a bowel movement. MRD was introduced in Pune for the first time by Dr Ashwin Porwal.
Defecation or having bowel movement is a complex action requiring co- ordination in relaxation & contraction of large number of muscles. It is controlled by the nervous system but is also under voluntary control. The process of defecation is initiated by the arrival of stool into the rectum and the sensation leads to a chain of events which ends in evacuation of stools from the anus. The act of defecation is voluntarily controlled in healthy individuals.
Following is a list of some conditions or symptoms for which MRD could be used to gather more information about the patient’s condition or to confirm a diagnosis:
MRI Defecography
Jewelry, accessories, hearing aids, watches, clips, pins etc. need to be removed.Unless you have been instructed otherwise, you may have your meals as usual. You will be asked to drink water before the procedure and hold the urine.
With the help of a catheter ( thin, plastic tube ), 200-300ml gel is injected into the rectum. You will be asked to wear a diaper. The technician will then slide the table inside the machine and pictures will be taken while she/he gives you instructions on the intercom. You will have to stay still while this is being done. Images will be obtained while your pelvic muscles are relaxed and also while you contract them as you do during a bowel movement. You can go back to your routine activity and diet immediately after the procedure.
MRD isn’t painful at all. You may feel minor discomfort when the gel is being injected into the rectum. A feeling of warmth in the area being scanned may be experienced, but this is normal and nothing to be worried about. The sound made by the machine can be irritating to some, while laying still can be a challenge for others. Kindly inform your doctor if you are claustrophobic so that necessary measures can be taken to make you comfortable.
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