In recent years India has gained popularity as a hub for medical tourism. This is true especially for non-emergency conditions where foreign patients otherwise have a long waiting period in their home country. The extremely high cost of medical care in the West is also not affordable to many, and in such an instance, one tends to search for viable options. The chief reason for the growing popularity of India in medical tourism is the high-quality medical care at a cost-effective rate. Thus, medical tourism is a growing sector in India. To encourage applications and ease the travel process for medical tourists, the government has expanded its e-tourism VISA regime on February 2019, to include medical visas. The maximum duration of stay under this visa is 6 months.

Advantages of Medical Treatment in India

  • Affordable cost of treatment
  • No waiting time
  • Availability of latest medical tests and techniques
  • Highly qualified doctors/surgeons


Healing Hands is a chain of specialty Proctology clinics across India with the flagship center in Pune, Maharashtra. We have presence in leading Indian cities like Mumbai, Hyderabad and Bengaluru. We provide state-of-the art treatment for all benign anorectal conditions like Hemorrhoids, Anal Fistula (Complex and Recurrent cases), Fissure, Anal Stricture, Pilonidal Sinus, Rectal Prolapse, Chronic Constipation etc. The treatment provided at our clinics is at par with the top clinics in the West. All our doctors are highly qualified and experienced. Our founder surgeon, Dr. Ashwin Porwal is renowned for his innovative treatment in curing Fistula. He has devised a treatment DLPL (Distal Laser Proximal Ligation), which has been successfully used to treat Complex and Recurrent Fistulae. Patients from across the world who have been afflicted by Fistula for years were successfully treated at Healing Hands Clinic.

Being a Proctology clinic, most of our procedures require a very short hospital stay. The availability of 3D Endo-anal Imaging and Ano-rectal Manometry adds to the diagnostic accuracy in our cases. Using modern techniques like Laser and Stapler we ensure that treatment offered is safe and effective with short recovery time. Extra care is taken to make the entire process from first consultation, examinations and tests, to treatment, billing and discharge a smooth experience for the patient. Assistant doctors are constantly in touch with each patient so that they feel secure and confident.

In the last couple of years, we have witnessed a considerable inflow of foreign patients at Healing Hands Clinic. There has been a noteworthy influx from Middle East, South East Asia, Europe, Australia and Africa. For certain conditions like Fistula, patients who have failed multiple previous treatments have found a cure at Healing Hands Clinic.


With changing global trends, food is no longer a concern for people travelling to India. A wide variety of Continental, American, Oriental and South East Asian cuisines are available. Packaged drinking water keeps gastrointestinal issues at bay.


As soon as a patient gets in touch with us, we are actively involved in helping them with scheduling the journey, suggesting accommodation options and planning the entire trip. While most conditions like Hemorrhoids, Fissure, Pilonidal Sinus and Rectal Prolapse require one to stay in India for a week, the stay is much longer in cases of Complex and Recurrent Fistula. As post-operative care is crucial in Fistula, we advise our patients to stay in India for a minimum of 6 weeks. Most patients can return at the end of 6 weeks. Once the patients return to their country, we stay in touch with them until complete healing.

We understand that travelling to India can be overwhelming for people coming from a vastly different culture. That is why our doctors and staff personally look into the travel, accommodation and food facilities for each patient by suggesting suitable choices.

Foreign nationals can connect with us on:
Whatsapp: +91 82750 19217

Medical tourism for the treatment of piles, fistula, fissure, constipation, hernia, varicose veins

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