NABH, an acronym for National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers, was established in year 2006. It is a constituent board of Quality Council of India, set up to establish and operate accreditation programme for healthcare organizations.

Organisations like the Quality Council of India ( QCI ) and its National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare providers have designed an exhaustive healthcare standard for hospitals and healthcare providers. This standard consists of stringent 600 plus objective elements for the hospital to achieve in order to get the NABH accreditation. The objective of the board is to ensure that a patient walking into the hospital has a smooth and convenient experience with registration, admission, pre-surgery, surgery and post-surgery protocols, discharge from the hospital to follow up with the hospital after discharge. NABH assesses administrative aspects too, so that clear and transparent policies and protocols are maintained. In a nutshell, NABH aims at streamlining the entire operations of a hospital.

NABH is equivalent to Joint Commission of the United states and other international standards like Haute Authorité de Santé ( France ), Australian Council on Healthcare Standards and the Japan Council for Quality in Health Care. Its standards have been accredited by ISQua ( International Society for Quality in Health Care ), the apex body accrediting such boards, hence making NABH accreditation at par with the world’s most leading hospital accreditation.

Till date about 350 hospitals in India have achieved accreditation by NABH. It is indeed a proud moment for Healing Hands Clinic to be recognized by this board that pays scrupulous attention to patient care and convenience.