10 Reasons Why You Should Choose Laser Treatment Over Conventional Surgery

Recent advancements in technology have revolutionized many industries, and the medical field is no exception. One such technological innovation that has become increasingly popular in recent years is laser treatment. The benefits of laser treatment are numerous, ranging from increased precision and reduced scarring to shorter recovery times and reduced risk of infection. With these advantages, it’s no wonder that more and more healthcare professionals are turning to laser technology for a wide range of medical procedures.

In this blog, we will discuss the top 10 benefits of choosing laser treatment

Benefits of laser treatment

The need for laser treatment is widely being chosen as it is convenient and a fast process. Mentioned below are the top 10 reasons to choose a laser treatment over surgical one.

1. Reduces pain

Laser treatment is a leading-edge method that reduces pain and inflammation, offering patients rapid relief without any known side effects. The treatment delivers high-energy light waves into the affected area, stimulating the body’s cells and speeding up the healing process. Unlike traditional treatments, laser therapy is non-invasive and non-toxic, making it an ideal solution for those who seek a natural approach to pain relief. Whether you suffer from acute or chronic pain, laser therapy can help you get back to living life to the fullest.

2. Heals sprain and strain

With advances in technology, laser treatment has become an increasingly popular option for aiding in the healing of sprains and strains. This non-invasive procedure can quickly reduce inflammation and promote tissue regeneration, leading to faster recovery times and improved mobility. Patients often experience little to no discomfort during the procedure, and the benefits can be seen almost immediately. Laser treatment is a promising option for those seeking a safe and effective alternative to traditional physical therapy or medication.

3.Treats injuries superficially

Laser treatment has been proven to be an effective way to repair superficial injuries such as wounds and ulcers. In fact, laser treatment is becoming increasingly popular as a treatment option for a wide variety of conditions. This non-invasive procedure is fast, efficient, and requires little or no downtime. By using a precise laser beam to target damaged tissue, healthcare professionals can stimulate the body’s natural healing response and promote more rapid recovery.

4.Improves local blood circulation

Laser treatment has proven to be an effective and immediate solution to improve local blood circulation. This non-invasive procedure applies top-of-the-line technology that is designed to stimulate the affected area with concentrated light energy. This helps to activate microcirculation, accelerating the process of healing and reducing inflammation. Patients often report feeling relief and improvement in their symptoms following laser treatment sessions.

5.Causes no blood loss

Laser treatment has revolutionized medical practices, especially for procedures requiring surgery. Another reason for this is the reduction in blood loss during treatment. With traditional surgical methods, large incisions are required, leading to significant blood loss, which in turn impacts recovery time. However, with laser treatment, incisions are minimal, significantly decreasing the amount of blood lost during the procedure.

6.Short stays in hospitals

This minimally invasive method involves a very short hospital stay, as the laser energy promotes faster healing and lesser scarring. Laser treatment has been successfully used to treat a range of conditions, from skin diseases to cancerous tumours. It is known to have fewer side effects and complications compared to traditional surgical methods, making it a preferred option for many patients. Furthermore, the precision of lasers makes them highly effective for targeting specific problem areas while sparing surrounding healthy tissues.

7.Safer alternative to surgery

It has been found to be a safe and effective method for treating many conditions when surgery is not necessary. Laser treatment involves a minimally invasive approach that carries low risk compared to traditional surgery while achieving similar results. Patients who desire reduced downtime, lower risk of complications, and a quicker recovery often choose laser treatment over surgery.

8.Less expensive

While surgery is still a necessary option in many cases, laser treatment is often less invasive, less painful, and less expensive. This is because there is no need for incisions or extensive healing. Instead, the laser beam is used to target the area requiring treatment, reducing the risk of complications and shortening the recovery time for patients.

9.Minimally invasive

Laser treatment has become a popular method for performing minimally invasive procedures through a small hole in the skin. As patients continue to seek out less invasive treatment options, laser technology has rapidly evolved to meet these demands, offering a safe and effective solution for a wide range of conditions. Whether you’re seeking treatment for a benign lesion or a more serious medical condition, laser treatment is a promising option worth exploring.

10.No Recurrence

Laser technique has been able to bring down the recurrence rate for wounds to less than 1% compared to an industry standard of 20-25% which is also taken care of with continuous followup. Defined laser energy is used to circumferentially vaporize and cure the problem while sparing the muscle around it.
Laser is quick, precise, and the post-procedure healing is excellent.


Over the years, it has gained popularity thanks to its non-invasive nature and effectiveness in treating a range of conditions. The FDA has cleared its use and there is ample evidence from extensive studies to support its efficacy. Patients have reported significant improvements in pain and mobility, making it a viable option for those seeking to augment their existing treatment protocols.

Pruritus Ani: The Embarrassing Itch

Itching of the skin around the anus can be agonizing especially if one is stranded in a public place with no escape in view. More often than not the cause behind this itch is easily addressed. Occasionally however, persistent severe itching can cause psychological stress to the sufferer and needs in-depth evaluation.

What is Pruritus ani?
Pruritus ani is defined as chronic, moderate to intense itching of the skin around the anal opening.
It affects 1-5% of the population and is more commonly found in men. Once itching occurs, it can lead to a vicious itch-scratch-itch cycle.

Causes of Pruritus ani

Fecal Contamination

Prolonged contact of the skin with fecal matter can cause irritation with resultant pruritus. Inadequate cleansing can leave stool and sweat residue which acts as irritant. Most of these individuals have loose stools or mucous seepage. Abnormal anal sphincter relaxation can also cause soiling. This kind of itch is usually relieved by washing the area. However, underlying pathology, if any, needs to be addressed.

Anorectal disorders

Anorectal conditions like Hemorrhoids (Piles) and Fissure can precipitate peri-anal itch. External hemorrhoids that are large can interfere with post-defecation cleansing. Internal hemorrhoids, on the other hand, can cause mucous seepage or fecal soiling and resultant pruritus. Anal Fissures can also cause itching due to inflammation. Anal Fistula or Fistula-in-ano with an external opening in the region, can lead to discharge of pus or fecal matter and consequent itching.


Fungal infections are common in the area, especially among diabetics who are prone to Candidiasis. Infection with threadworms/pinworms is also common, especially among children. Viral infections can also cause pruritus


Chemicals found in creams, wet wipes, soaps etc. can cause Allergic Contact Dermatitis.

Skin conditions

Psoriasis, lichen sclerosis, Paget’s disease, peri-anal Bowen’s disease etc. can also can pruritus ani.

Other factors

Certain foods like caffeinated drinks, spices, peanuts, tomatoes etc. can cause peri-anal itching. Relief is attained within 2 weeks of stopping the causative food.
Aggressive cleaning can cause dryness of the skin and thus itching.
Psychological factors like anxiety, stress or depression maybe associated with pruritus ani.
Similarly, aggressive cleansing can cause dryness in the area and itching.

Dealing with Pruritus ani

To get rid of peri-anal itching, the underlying cause needs to be addressed. One should wear loose, cotton clothing, especially at night, which gives an opportunity for ventilation. Following a bowel movement, the area should be gently cleaned with water or simple tissue moistened with water or with peri-anal wipes. One should avoid the use of soaps in the area. Associated symptoms, if any, point to an underlying pathology. Anorectal conditions like piles, fissure and fistula are treated by a Proctologist. Peri-anal skin conditions, infections and allergies are treated by a Dermatologist.

मुळव्याध, फिस्तुला, पिसोनियस सायनसचे सोपे उपचार

मुळव्याध फिस्तुला पिसोनियस सायनसचे सोपे उपचार

मुळव्याधाचा त्रास होतोय असं म्हणणार्‍या माणसांची संख्या दिवसेंदिवस वाढत आहे. दोनात एक असं याचं गुणोत्तर असून ही धोक्याची घंटा आहे. मुळातच आयुष्याच्या कुठल्या ना कुठल्या टप्प्यावर प्रत्येकालाच मुळव्याधीचा त्रास होतो. मुळव्याधीचा त्रास स्वत:बाबत असो वा कुटुंबातल्या अन्य कोणाबरोबर रक्त जाणे हा घटक तर कोणालाही घाबरवणाराच आहे. मुळव्याध बरा करणारा सोपा उपचार म्हणणार्‍या असंख्य पद्धती बाजारात आहेत. त्यातील काही पद्धतींमध्ये तर वैज्ञानिक दृष्टीकोन, वैज्ञानिक सफाईदेखील नाही. त्यामुळे कोणती उपचार पद्धती स्विकारावी याबाबत साहजिकच रूग्णांचा गोंधळ उडतो. मुळव्याध आणि फिस्तुला बरं करण्यासाठी पारंपरिक पद्धतीने केली जाणारी सर्जरी तर वेदनादायक आहेच परंतु त्यातून रिकव्हर होण्यासाठीसुद्धा दीर्घकाळ लागतो.

सध्याच्या या प्रचलित चित्राचा विचार करून कोलोरेक्टल सर्जन आणि हिलींग हॅण्डस किल्निकचे डॉ. अश्‍विन पोरवाल यांनी मुळव्याध, फिस्तुला आणि इतर गुदाशय व मलमार्गाशीसंबंधीत आजारांवर उपचार करणारी पद्धती शोधली आहे. या पद्धतीत मुळव्याधीसाठी लिओनार्डो लेसर ट्रीटमेंट वापरी जाते. या पद्धतीने रूग्णाला तातडीने फरक पडतो आणि मुख्य म्हणजे आजार पुन्हा उद्भवण्याची शक्यताही खूप कमी आहे. कुठल्याही कापाकापीशिवाय होणारी आणि वेदनाहीन असणारी उपचारपद्धती आहे. त्यामुळे रूग्ण पुढच्या ३ ते ५ दिवसांच्या आरामानंतर नियमित कामे करू शकतात. लिओनार्डो लेसर पद्धतीचा फायदा फिस्तुला झालेल्या रूग्णांनाही होतो. पिसोनियस सायनस हा आजार तर सहजासहजी बरा होत नाही मात्र याही आजाराबाबत लेसर ट्रीटमेंट काम करत असल्याचे दिसत आहे.

भारतातील प्रणेते आणि नामवंत प्रोक्टोलॅाजिस्ट डॉ. अश्‍विन पोरवाल यांनी आत्तापर्यंत मुळव्याधीचे हजारो रूग्णांना बरे केले आहे आणि फिस्तुल्याच्या अत्यंत गुंतागुंतीच्या केसमधील रुग्णांनाही यशस्वीरित्या बरे केले आहे. डॉ. पोरवाल म्हणाले, ‘शौचासाच्यावेळी रक्त जाणे ही निश्‍चितच भीतीदायक बाब आहे. त्यामुळेच आम्ही मुळव्याधीसाठी लेसर हिमोर्‍होडोप्लास्टी (एलएचपी) आणि फिस्तुलासाठी फिस्तुला ट्रॅक्ट लेसर क्लोजर या उपचारपद्धती शोधल्या आहेत. प्रोक्टोलॉजीतील या दोन्ही पद्धती अत्यंत आधुनिक असून  माझ्या आजपर्यंतच्या अनुभवाचा विचार केला तर मुळव्याधीची नुकतीच सुरवात झालेल्या रूग्णांसाठी तर या उपचारपद्धती अत्यंत सुरक्षित आणि विश्‍वसनीय आहेत. फिस्तुलाच्या संदर्भातही ही पद्धत उपकारक ठरली आहे. लिओनार्डो लेसरपद्धतीने आम्ही अगदी अवघड केसेसमध्ये यश मिळवलं आहे. ज्या केसमध्ये इतर उपचारांनी फरक पडला नाही अशाही केसमध्ये ही लेसरपद्धत काम करून गेली. आपल्या आजच्या धांदलघाईच्या जीवनशैलीत प्रत्येकालाच त्वरित आणि परिणामकारक उपचार हवे असतात. लेसरपद्धती नेमकं तेच काम करते.’

Don’t Confuse Fissure with Piles

Don’t Confuse Fissure with Piles

For most of us any problem in the anal region is either piles or fissure, the self-diagnosis usually depending upon which of the two words is ingrained in our vocabulary. However, a goofed-up diagnosis not only adds to the misery but makes a simple problem complex. I have tried to explain the difference between the two in simple words here. When it comes to one’s health, its best to be well-informed and aware of the condition one is faced with.

What is the difference between piles and fissure?

Piles or hemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels near the anal opening whereas fissure is a tear in the delicate skin of the anal opening. Depending upon the severity of the disease, piles are graded from 1 to 4, grade 1 having just swollen vessels while grade 4 has a mass comes out of the opening.

What is the difference in symptoms?

The predominant symptom of a fissure is intense pain while defecating. The magnitude of the pain is such that one fears going to the toilet.
Piles are usually characterized by bleeding after passing stools. The blood is fresh and there is no pain. Sometimes one may feel a mass at the anal opening.

Which tests are needed for a diagnosis?

A history of symptoms and visual examination is enough to diagnose fissure. In addition to above, a simple painless technique called Proctoscopy is done in case of hemorrhoids, for a more accurate diagnosis and grading.

Can these conditions be permanently treated?

Modern medicine assures a reliable, quick and effective cure of anorectal problems. Medicines, dietary modifications and lifestyle changes (MCDPA) are enough to treat early piles and acute fissure. In case of chronic cases of fissure, Laser Sphincterotomy provides excellent results. Similarly, for higher grades of piles, Laser Hemorrhoidoplasty (LHP) or Stapler surgery (MIPH) provide a safe, minimally painful and efficient modality of treatment. The earlier techniques weren’t as developed and recurrences were a problem. But with these advanced procedures hemorrhoids can be cured for good.

Mulvyadh Doctor in Pune

‘Piles’ otherwise popularly known as ‘Mulvyadh’ are the swollen blood vessels in and around the anal region. “Healing Hands Clinic” has been curing thousands of Mulvyadh patients over the years. We follow a unique approach to treat piles. The multifaceted, holistic line of treatment at HHC constitutes of MCDPA ( Medication, Constac, Diet, Physiotherapy and Ayurvedic Therapy ). If nothings work out to be effective for a patient, then a surgical intervention is suggested.

Dr. Ashwin Porwal, the best Colorectal Surgeon across India and the Founder of HHC, recommends minimally invasive and fast-curing surgical techniques instead of conventional open surgery. He introduces the latest technology Stapler Surgery a novel Mulvyadh treatment.

A Brief about Stapler Surgery..

Performed under anesthesia
No cuts and incisions from outside; the surgery is performed through anus with the help of a use-and-throw transparent device – No cuts & Incision required
Time taken for surgery – 30 minutes
Hospitalization – 24 hours
Recovery time – one week or less
Dr. Porwal has an extensive experience of curing Mulvyadh patients by Stapler surgery and our patients consider him as the best Mulvyadh doctor in Pune. He offers expert consultation and performs specialized surgeries to cure piles and constipation. We have been successfully curing thousands of Mulvyadh patients since years, who strongly recommend HHC for piles and other anorectal disease treatments. Our team has appreciatively dubbed their stories in “40000 stories of piles to smiles”.

Mulvyadh Treatment in Pune


‘Piles’, clinically known as ‘Haemorrhoids’ and vernacularly known as ‘Mulvyadh’ in Maharashtra, are inflamed blood vessels located near the anal opening, causing the lining of the anal canal to slide down. Piles appear as small lumps formed on the surface of the anus inside the back passage. When the pressure on anal blood vessels increases, they swell and enlarge to form small lumps i.e. Haemorrhoids. They can develop inside or outside the anus, according to which they are classified as internal and external haemorrhoids.

Suffering from piles is painful and equally embarrassing. Many people try out conventional home remedies rather than consulting a physician about primary symptoms. Most of Piles cases cure within a few days without medication and further surgical intervention. However, home remedies may not always be helpful in curing the ailment. It’s better to visit a specialist, if home remedies don’t seem to deliver positive results and piles recurrently develop.

There’s nothing to feel awkward, if you are suffering from Haemorrhoids because it’s one of the most common lifestyle diseases. As soon as you notice any symptom indicating the occurrence of Piles, it’s advisable to discuss the same with a Colorectal Surgeon.

Common Symptoms of Piles

Anal itching & recurrent bleeding
Mucus discharge
Painful & strained bowel movements
Dragging sensation in the back passage
Sliding down of the anal parts
According to the extent and inflammation, Haemorrhoids are classified in four stages. The symptoms and treatment alternatives become complex, as the ailment worsens from Grade I to Grade IV. When diagnosed in Grade I or II, Piles can be cured by home remedies, medication, physiotherapy and dietary modifications. However, it’s difficult to cure it in Grade III & IV without surgical intervention.

Detection of Piles

Piles can be diagnosed through physical examination and in some cases, advanced diagnostic techniques such as Colonoscopy and Sigmoidoscopy need to be performed

Dr. Ashwin Porwal has successfully performed more than 40,000 stories of piles treatment and surgeries in Pune, Chinchwad, Chakan and Navi Mumbai. Read here what our patients feel after treatment…

Mulvyadh Treatment


Healing Hands Clinic

Surgical Treatment

When diagnosed in Grade III or Grade IV, surgical intervention is recommended. In contrary to the conventional, painful open Piles surgery, HHC offers the latest & innovative technology to cure Piles STAPLER Surgery. It’s a minimally invasive, painless procedure involving a unique stapling technique that pushes inflamed anal blood vessels back in their original position. It’s a day care procedure and a patient is discharged in a day. Faster recovery and guaranteed cure are the key benefits of STAPLER Surgery.

Prevention of Piles is quite easy follow regular physical exercise, eat healthy & fibre-rich diet, drink plenty of fluids, and sufficient sound sleep. Daily life hassles might make it difficult to follow a healthy lifestyle. Dr. Ashwin Porwal’s Healing Hands Clinic offers a complete range of health care services regarding lifestyle diseases including diagnosis, treatment and dietary consultation.

Read more about Piles/Mulvyadh treatment, surgery…

Contact us –

Mobile – 8888288884

Email – info@healinghadsclinic.co.in

Address –
Healing Hands Clinic,
4th Floor,Millenium Star
Extension, Above KFC
Restaurant, Adjacent to Ruby Hall
Entrance Gate, Dhole Patil Road,
Pune – 411001
Tel: 020-6164488/99