Not everyone understands the importance of Nutrition until it is to take heavy doses of medicines or avail medicinal management of any type for their ailment. Easily available and ready to eat items are bought over the counter that not only ruin one’s health but also instigate addiction to such unhealthy products that have almost nil nutrition value. The needs of the patient come first, with this belief Healing Hands Clinic contributes to the health and well being by providing the best care to every patient through integrated clinical practice and experience.
Dr. Ashwin Porwal, founder of Healing Hands Clinic introduces a new world of advanced treatment options for Constipation, Piles, Hernia, Fistula and other Ano Rectal diseases. Healing Hands Clinic not only encourages patients to eat fresh & healthy products but also provides knowledge about Nutrition &its effects with customized counseling sessions designed keeping in mind the individual’s daily routine. A high fiber diet with plenty of liquids aid the patient to experience complete elimination & painless defecation.